Friday, 03 June 2022
MDA Gives Public Lecture at SMKN 2 Luwu on OHS
Awak Mas – In celebrating the National Occupational Health and Safety (K3 Month) from January 12 to February 12, PT Masmindo Dwi Area (MDA) held a public lecture on OHS at SMK Negeri 2 Luwu, South Sulawesi for a month. The public lecture is intended for six majors at SMK Negeri 2 Luwu, namely, Light Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Power Installation Engineering, Motorcycle Engineering & Business, Office Automation, and Computer Network Engineering. No less than 280 students took part in the public lecture, which took place in two sessions on one day every week during the implementation of the National K3 Month since Tuesday, January 18.
“The public lecture is delivered by the MDA Department of Occupational Health and Safety. We want to share knowledge about hazard identification and how to manage risk, both in the industrial world and in everyday life,” said Mustafa Ibrahim, Head of Mining Engineering & Site Manager Awak Mas. With these public lectures on OHS, the students are expected to have sufficient knowledge when they enter the industrial setting.
“The public lecture is MDA's contribution in bridging the gap between the academic and the industrial world. We really appreciate MDA's commitment to support education in Luwu Regency," said Ahmad, Principal of SMKN 2 Luwu.
The public lecture on OHS at SMKN 2 Luwu is part of the MDA Community Development and Empowerment Program (PPM) in the field of Education that has been running regularly. Last July, MDA established Banua Manarang as a children's library with a collection of 250 books, 30 educational games, ten musical instruments, and various drawing equipment. Regular monitoring by the company and follow-up activities are also carried out to ensure that activities in Banua Manarang are carried out optimally. Moreover, MDA signed a memorandum of understanding with the Luwu Regency Library Service to donate 1,000 books to Banua Manarang, support capacity training for “Smart Children” cadres, and conduct a comparative study at the library in Paconne Village last September. Since last April, MDA has assisted the Luwu Cultural School I La Galigo by providing facilities and infrastructure for teaching and learning activities so that it can graduate more than 50 students for each batch. MDA continues to be committed to nurturing future generations around its operational areas for a better Indonesia.
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